The National Hydrological Service (NHS) of Canada is thrilled to unveil a new streamflow current conditions feature: NHS Water Watch! Explore this new feature by clicking the «NHS Water Watch» section in the right panel.
Real-Time Hydrometric Data
Real-Time DataStation Search
Search by station name, station number, or location for real-time water level and discharge data. Refine your search by data or station attributes. Results will be in list format.
Map Search
View and search by station number, station name, province or territory for real-time water level and discharge data. Also available is the streamflow current conditions map layer.
Download real-time water level and discharge data in comma separated file format.
My Station List
Create a customized station list for quicker access to stations of interest.
Web Service
Retrieve data by a list of station numbers for real-time water level and discharge via a script. Results will be in CSV format.
MSC GeoMet Geospatial Web Services
Download real-time hydrometric data via MSC Geospatial web services. This service is compliant with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards and allows the user to integrate data from different platforms. For details on how to use this service, refer to the User Guide.
NHS Water Watch
View the streamflow (discharge) current conditions by comparing the real-time discharge with the historical daily discharge.
News and Events
- National Hydrometric Network Basin Polygons
- Wateroffice Release
- Unit Data (2011 - 2025)
- HYDAT Release
- Height Modernization Status
Contact Us
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